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Newage Versitron


Clamping large parts easily with the Clamping Shield in place.

Versiton Clamping Shield

Close up of the clamping shield, this allows the tester to hold the part, not your user.

The "T" Base Versitron

With the ability to complete a test in as little as two seconds, the Versitron is the fastest tester on the market. The Versitron has the capacity to amaze first time users who are acquainted with the limitations of other Rockwell scale testers. Most experienced testing personnel are quite familiar with tedious requirements like using jack rests on large parts, constantly cleaning testers and test parts, slow test cycles and cutting parts so they can be tested. 

The Versitron changes all of that. Cleaning is never required. Frequent cleaning of test parts is eliminated. Tests are performed in as little as two seconds even on manually activated machines. Large specimens can be clamped in seconds prior to applying the load without supports or tools and without affecting test results. Small tapers can easily be accommodated with standard components. 

Large and small companies all over the world now find they can get fast, accurate, and repeatable test results even in bad operating conditions using relatively unskilled operators without significant service requirements.

Special Features:

  • Unaffected by dirt - The Veristron test results are not sensitive to dirt, surface contamination, oil, etc.

  • Quick & Easy - The Versitron has the fastest test cycle of any tester, as fast as two seconds even on a manual tester.

  • Test tapered parts - Reduce your test sample preparation time.  A range of flat and round tapers can be tested using a flattened ball and vee anvils together with the clamping feature

  • Protected diamonds - The removable clamping shield protects the diamond indenter from being struck by the test specimen during handling, because the indenter is recess by 1/32"

  • Test surface referencing - Immediately surrounding the indenter is an indenter shroud. The purpose of the shroud is to sense the position of the indenter relative to the test surface when the preload has been applied. Should the test specimen deflect under major load, the shroud travels with the test surface to compensate by maintaining that precise reference position with the test surface, so the test results will remain accurate. 

  • Conforms to ASTM E-18

Note: AT130-RDS & AT130-RDB test using 150, 100, and 60 kgf (Regular Scales).  AT130-SRDS & AT130SRDB test using 15, 30, and 45 kgf (Superficial Scales).  AT130-2DS & AT130-2DB include both Regular and Superficial load units with one display unit.

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